
I am sure a lot of you are familiar with gratitude, but do you know that it can help increase your positive mindset and there are different ways to practice gratitude? When you are practicing gratitude you are focusing on the positive in your life and not the negative. It also helps increase the positive mindset of others, depending on which practice you use. The following are different ways to practice gratitude.
Some of these you may already do without realizing it and some you may have decided you want to try. Choose however many you want to practice and it will make your life easier.
1. Journaling- This is one of the more common ways. You can get a blank journal or one specifically set up for gratitude. To practice this write approximately 5 things that you are gr8tful for. You can write more than 5 if you wish. If you need help coming up with ideas to write in the journal you can find journal starters online or get a journal that has ideas already listed. you can write in the journal anytime of the day. The two best times to choose from to write in your journal are before you go to bed or when you get up. Should you choose to write in a journal before bed it will allow you to fall asleep thinking about positive things instead of negative things, which may allow you to get better sleep. Should you choose to write in journal after you get up it helps you start your day on a positive note, which should allow you to be able to handle anything stressful that pops up later in the day.
2. Remembering the Bad: Yeah, I know people tell you to forget the bad stuff, but sometimes it can ut you in positive mindset. How? you ask. Well when you remember the bad and then stop and think about where you are now in life you can say "I have come a long way". It helps you to be gr8tful for the here and now.
3. Asking Yourself Some Questions: "What have I received from _____?" "What have I given to _____?" "What trouble and difficulties have I caused?" The first question helps you to be gr8tful for people and or items that were given to you. It also helps you to realize that people care about you. The second question helps you to realize that you are able to give things or time to others, in other words you have abundance. You also have people in your life and you are not alone. The last question helps you to be gr8tful for the people in your life who have stuck by or helped you through difficult times. You realize you are loved.
4. Share Your Gratitude with Others: Thank others for things they do. It strengthens the relationships with others and sometimes it brightens their day. When you put a smile on someone's face it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
5. Your Five Senses: A lot of people take these for granted, so they don't pay much attention to them. However, when you do pay attention your senses it helps strengthen your positive mindset. You become gr8tful for your senses when you make yourself aware of them because not everybody has all five senses.
Smell- It can bring back a good memory, Help your energy or relaxation, or just to make you gr8tful that you have the ability to smell even if it's a dirty diaper or skunk.
Taste- This to can bring back good memories too. It can also create other emotions depending on what your tasting. It can send sensations through your body. You also are gr8tful for the ability to taste even if it something you don't like.
Sight- Everywhere you look there is something beautiful. Watching certain things can relax you for example watching clouds in the sky, the rain, flowers in the garden. If you pay attention you can see when someone needs assistance. Be gr8tful you are able to see all the beauty.
Sound- This one can also bring back some good memories. Sound can be relaxing or increase your energy. It also helps you to be more aware of your surroundings, even behind you. When you hear all different types of noises even those that aren't pleasant you become gr8tful you can hear. Who doesn't love the sound of nature, music, and voices?
Touch- This can bring back good memories too. Touch can send different sensations through your body either calming or energizing. Soft fuzzy things, smooth things, rough things, sharp things, sand or grass on your feet, etc.. Even though some may not be pleasant you are gr8tful you have the ability of feeling things.
6. Visual Reminders- Sometimes you need a reminder to be gr8tful. So, using reminders will help especially when you first start getting into the habit of practicing and being aware of gratitude. People are the best reminders.
7. Commit to Practicing Gratitude- When you make a commitment you are more apt to follow through. Make a note of your commitment and post anywhere you need the reminder.
8. Watching Your Language- Some of the language you use is blessed, fortunate, giving, abundance, plan, and will just to name a few. Your language has more of positive words and not words like try , if or negative words like poor or cursed.
9. Go Through the Motions- Smiling, waving, tipping your hat, nodding your head, saying thank you or writing thank you notes.
10. Be Different- Look for different ways to be gr8tful even if it is a situation or circumstance to change things up.