
You have seven chakras. Chakras are energy centers and can get blocked creating a negative effect on you. There are different methods to clearing and/or strengthening your chakras. What works for one person may not work for another. It also depends on each person and how blocked the chakra is to how long it will take for the effect of the method chosen.
One method is Crystals: Make sure they are cleansed and charged (see crystals page coming soon). Put them on or near the chakra. Tip for root chakra is to tape crystal to bottom of chair. You can also carry the crystals with you or wear them as jewelry.
Another method is Essential Oils: When using essential oils make sure they are pure and if you plan on using for topical make sure it states topical use. Some essential oils are for aromatherapy only which is what I prefer for clearing blocks. When you use essential oils place on or near the chakra. Note if you have pets- Some fragrances are not pet friendly so make sure you check before using.

Root or Base Chakra: Located at the base of the tailbone. It is associated with the color Red. The qualities of this chakra are: Grounding, connection with emotions, security, safety, and finding your place. Crystals: Garnet, agate, ruby, jasper, bloodstone, hematite, red calcite and obsidian. Essential Oils: Cedarwood, sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, ylang ylang, vetiver, cinnamon, ginger, cypress, carrot seed, and lavender.

The Sacral Chakra: Located near the belly button. It is associated with the color orange. Qualities of this chakra are: Personal power, sexuality, and creativity. Crystals: Citrine, gold topaz, amber, carnelian, orange calcite, and sunstone. Essential Oils: Gardenia, orris root, damiana, sandalwood, ylang ylang, clary sage, jasmine, orange, bergamot, rosewood, neroli, black pepper, fennel and lavender.

The Solar Plexus: Located at the base of the sternum. Is associated with the color yellow. Qualities of this chakra are: self-esteem, prosperity, self-identity, and moral code. Crystals: Gold topaz, gold calcite, tiger eye, amber, citrine, and yellow zircon. Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Marigold, carnation, sandalwood, myrrh, cedarwood, ylang ylang, lemongrass, helichrysum, and lavender.

The Heart Chakra: Located in the center of the chest. Is associated with the color green. Qualities of this chakra are: Love, balance, forgiveness, integration, and compassion. Crystals: Green jade, emerald, ruby, malachite, green calcite, green kyanite, peridot, and rose quartz. Essential oils: Jasmine, lavender, orris root, marjoram, rose, and pine.

The Throat Chakra: Located above the Adam's Apple. Associated with the color blue. Qualities of this chakra are: Inner truth, self-expression and communication. Crystals: Blue kyanite, celestite, iolite, lapis, sodalite, blue sapphire, blue topaz, turquoise, and aquamarine. Essential Oils: Frankincense, benzoin, and blue chamomile.

The Third Eye Chakra: Located center of the forehead. Associated with the color violet/indigo. Qualities are: Intuition, insight, beliefs and attitudes, and mental clarity. Crystals: Amethyst, fluorite, lepidolite, sugilite, tanzanite, sodalite, quartz crystal, and sapphire. Essential Oils: Anise, mugwort, sandalwood, saffron and lemon.

The Crown Chakra: Located at the top of the head. Associated with the colors white, pink and violet. Qualities of this chakra are: Connection to spirit/divine, consciousness, and universal oneness. Crystals: White topaz, white calcite, amethyst, clear quartz, herkimer, diamond, labrodite, moonstone, and selenite. Essential Oils: Gotu Kola, lotus, frankincense, sandalwood, vetiver, helichrysum, rose, cedarwood, spikenard, benzoin, palo santo, and lavender.